Creating an online income is something that many people covet. Making money doing what you like to do, on the Internet, is much more natural and convenient. When it comes to blogging, this is what you need to be doing. You have to have a plan of action, and also a blog that is extremely well designed, with great content – this is how you will generate your online income. Your only job is to create content that will be read by other people. Some of it, however, is held by your blog’s functionality. If you are using WordPress (and you should) you have all sorts of plugins available that can help you with that. Now let’s look at a couple of them.
Personal bloggers, and professional bloggers alike, need to beware of the threats that await them on the net. Every day hackers break into blogs and take them over for their own nefarious purposes. Watching your blog 24/7 is not really realistic. One plug-in that can help you is called the Security Ninja. This plug-in, Security Ninja, takes preventative measures against attacks and protect your blog. To protect your blog, and keep it safe, this is what you need to use. All bloggers need to have this plug-in installed. Even if they are not using WordPress, there are thousands of bloggers who have to deal with spam comments. This is one of the reasons you should choose WordPress as your blogging platform. Every WordPress blog comes with the Akismet plugin already installed. Be certain that your settings for it are correct and it is turned on. Akismet does a wonderful job of spotting spam comments. But if the setting are wrong, you will discover that it deletes good comments too. So take the time to set them up and turn on the plugin. There are no other spam catchers that are as good as Akismet.
One of the more problematic issues with using a WordPress blog is that multiple posts tend to slow the blog down. The problem will be automatically solved if you use the WP Super Cache Plugin. This plug-in solves this problem by storing all older posts in your cache. After the plug-in is activated, you will see a noticeable change in your blog loading speed. If you get a lot of traffic, this can be useful with your blog. Remember, if your blog takes too long to load, people will simply click away from it. This is something that you should avoid at all costs.
If increasing functionality is what you are after, there are plenty of plugins available for you to do so. With increased functionality comes increased success.
Obviously you need good content too, but making your blog as functional as possible is really important. The WordPress plugins we discussed here are merely the beginning. As you gain more experience, you will discover many others that will help you improve your blog.